Dissident Gardens

Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam is currently hosting an exhibition entitled Dissident Gardens. The exhibition contains multiple installations and events that focus on the struggle between nature and culture, all of which can be experienced until 23 September 2018. More information is available here. The exhibition drew our attention not only because of its relationship ... Dissident Gardens

Jonathan Hankins

‘Affascinato dalla combinazione di tecnologia e materia vivente’. Jos Malda a Milano.

Il prossimo 9 maggio, presso la sede di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, il professore Jos Malda dell’Università di Utrecht presenterà il suo lavoro e farà una panoramica sullo stato dell’arte del 3D printing in biomedicina. Jos Malda dirige un gruppo di ricerca multidisciplinare impegnato nella biofabrication e nella progettazione di biomateriali, utilizzati soprattutto nella rigenerazione di ... ‘Affascinato dalla combinazione di tecnologia e materia vivente’. Jos Malda a Milano.

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Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

On 9th May at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, Universiteit Utrecht Professor Jos Malda will present his work and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art on 3D printing in the biomedical sector. Prof. Jos Malda heads a multidisciplinary research group that focuses on biofabrication and biomaterials design, in particular for the regeneration of (osteo) chondral ... Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

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