On the Governance of International Business Standards, a letter by Sunil Bedi

I have been concerned about governance of international business standards. Here are my thoughts: The article raised issues that will become increasingly significant in defining international commerce and related exchanges. I would dichotomize the issues into human disasters and financial disasters. The human tragedies are those related to life while the financials disasters are those ... On the Governance of International Business Standards, a letter by Sunil Bedi

International disputes over disaster responsibility: whose law is better?

There is currently an eminent absence of international governance standards on business across borders. International disputes arise everyday in countries where we do not have access to information and which we know very little about. If we look at the recent collapse of a coal mine in the South-East Russian border it is clear that ... International disputes over disaster responsibility: whose law is better?

Notes from the Road: India between farming biotechnology and computer services

This short piece is just an overview of your correspondent’s long observation and research of the Indian’s science and technology sector. After a month or so of pilgrimage from the fields of Haryana, across the desert of Rajastan, then through the tea leave plantations of Kerala and the catholic state of Goa, there have been ... Notes from the Road: India between farming biotechnology and computer services