Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 5. Conclusion

We argued that the risks and challenges of digitally interoperable enterprise architectures that define the environment of contemporary organisations cannot be understood solely by looking at the traditional distinction between hierarchies and markets, but on asynchronous and decentralised interactions over digital networks aided by ICT devices as both the sources and channels of knowledge and ... Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 5. Conclusion

Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 4. Putting it all together

The issues briefly sketched above lead us to discuss the risk and challenges for the creation digitally interoperable enterprise architecture between the public and the private sectors along three key ideas (or tensions) highly relevant to conceptualise the changes emerging within Global ICT Programmes. These are: a) the re-definition of organisational boundaries to allow for ... Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 4. Putting it all together

Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 3. Federated, concentric and platform organisations

Building the internal capabilities, technical architecture, service delivery, planning and contract monitoring to achieve this ambition will require a governance framework encompassing a wide spectrum of arrangements, including the measurement of cost, benefit, risk and opportunity. Whilst often the very same technologies which have enabled greater technical interconnectedness in financial markets, have simultaneously increased operational ... Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 3. Federated, concentric and platform organisations

Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 2: New technologies in organisations: issues and perspectives

Global ICT Programmes require the intersection of information infrastructures well beyond the conventional boundaries of institutions and organisations, which are typically demarcated by the legal (or contractual) boundary of their purposes and activities. Given the expanding and changing nature of the ICT services market, for instance in major Information Technology (IT) outsourcing arrangements, the ability ... Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 2: New technologies in organisations: issues and perspectives

Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 1: Introduction

According to a recent report of the META Group Inc. (2006) , requirements for digital interoperability between the public and private sectors will drive enterprise architecture over the next years, impacting 50% of the Fortune 500 companies and extending into the global domain. Likewise, Global ICT Programmes bring together the government, the private sector and ... Towards a new model of governance to manage new technologies in organizations – Part 1: Introduction

Towards a New Model of Management for the Governance of Innovation. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

Over the past few years the blog ‘Innovation, Risk and Governance’ has explored a variety of topics, but it is possible to identify two core (although not always necessarily related) themes. One is the question of the regulation and risk communication of innovation, which include also risk regulation and governance in relation to a) bio- ... Towards a New Model of Management for the Governance of Innovation. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

Experiments Without Borders? Ethical and Participatory Approaches to New Technologies

Sheila Jasanoff delivered with the utmost elegance of a Harvard Professor the BIOS Annual Lecture chaired by Nikolas Rose at the London School of Economics the 15th of June 2006. The title: "Experiments Without Borders: biology in the labs of life" parallels some of the issues that have been recently discussed by the Giannino Bassetti ... Experiments Without Borders? Ethical and Participatory Approaches to New Technologies

Science, Politics and Responsibility: An Agenda for the Governance of Innovation and Technology

"When we go from ‘daily life’ to scientific activity, from the man in the street to the man in the laboratory, from politics to expert opinion, we do not go from noise to quiet, from passion to reason, from heat to cold. We go from controversies to fiercer controversies." (Latour, 1987:30) It is beyond the ... Science, Politics and Responsibility: An Agenda for the Governance of Innovation and Technology

An extract from the Oxford English Dictionary about the definition of the term ‘policy’

III. 8. attrib. and Comb., as (sense 5) policy decision, document, -maker, -making, statement; policy-making adj.; policy science (see quot. 1951); hence policy scientist. 1960 I. JEFFERIES Dignity & Purity iv. 66 Their purpose is the application of scientific method to policy decisions. 1964 GOULD & KOLB Dict. Soc. Sci. 510/1 Current interest centres on ... An extract from the Oxford English Dictionary about the definition of the term ‘policy’

On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 2)

It is widely acknowledged that in a number of countries trust in political organisations has recently declined. Some are under attack as a result of their non-compliance with issues of representiveness and accountability, which in turn questions also their relevance and perceived impact in representation of the electorate. But if on one hand the process ... On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 2)

On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 1)

At the centre of the debate within the EU as well as across the Atlantic is a rising problematisation of the definition of roles and responsibilities over the way in which innovation in the scientific and technological field should be governed. Recent innovations in the method of production and dissemination of knowledge can provide an ... On the Governance of Scientific Innovation and the Avoidance of Irresponsibility (PART 1)

The democratic responsibility of scientific power

Public governance of science challenges the very same definition of what is considered scientific, and therefore in a variety of respects, elitist, closed and unaccountable to the laymen before the fact. However, in today’s knowledge society science is under pressure to open up and include the opinions of a wider and better informed part of ... The democratic responsibility of scientific power