Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

Call for Applications 4th STS Italia Summer School September 5th- 9th, 2017 Catania, Italy STS Italia, the Italian Society of Science and Technology Studies – in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University of Catania is organizing its 4th Summer School, “Almost Human: ... Almost Humans: Robotics, Healthcare and STS. Call for Applications

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Human-machine Integration: Ethical and Social Issues

Martedì 5 giugno, presso l’Aula Magna Storica (palazzo della Sapienza), con inizio alle ore 9.30, si terrà il Convegno internazionale “Human-machine Integration: Ethical and Social Issues” (L’integrazione uomo-macchina: questioni etiche e sociali) organizzato dal professor Adriano Fabris dell’Università di Pisa. Lo scopo del Convegno è quello di affrontare temi di riflessione etica e sociale connessi ... Human-machine Integration: Ethical and Social Issues

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