Solo una politica coerentemente europea può difendere la dignità umana

Event: Le interviste di Gabriele Giacomini. Title: Solo una politica coerentemente europea può difendere la dignità umana., intervista a Giovanni Ziccardi. Date: 2020 11 02 Time: 29:28 min. Place: online (piattaforma Zoom) Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Post: Solo una politica coerentemente europea può difendere la dignità umana. Podcast: Solo una politica coerentemente europea può ... Solo una politica coerentemente europea può difendere la dignità umana

Gabriele Giacomini
Giovanni Ziccardi

I big data vanno governati, ma non si torna indietro.

Event: Le interviste di Gabriele Giacomini. Title: I big data vanno governati, ma non si torna indietro., intervista a Marco Delmastro. Date: 2020 10 27 Time: 30:04 min. Place: (piattaforma Zoom) Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Post: I big data vanno governati, ma non si torna indietro. Podcast: I big data vanno governati, ma non ... I big data vanno governati, ma non si torna indietro.

Gabriele Giacomini
Marco Delmastro

Sovvertire l’individualismo, sperimentare la cittadinanza digitale

Event: Le interviste di Gabriele Giacomini. Title: Sovvertire l’individualismo, sperimentare la cittadinanza digitale, intervista a Salvo Vaccaro. Date: 2020 10 08 Time: 58:54 min. Place: (piattaforma Zoom) Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Post: Sovvertire l’individualismo, sperimentare la cittadinanza digitale Podcast: Sovvertire l’individualismo, sperimentare la cittadinanza digitale. Contents: Gabriele Giacomini, membro del Centro di studi in ... Sovvertire l’individualismo, sperimentare la cittadinanza digitale

Gabriele Giacomini
Salvo Vaccaro

The Self At Your Wrist – 3/3

(…continues from the previous entry) THE ROLE OF DESIGN IN A PERIOD OF IDENTITY CRISIS. “Who is responsible? Here we have many examples of brilliant innovations, but the issue of responsibility is key and must be addressed. Who is going to be responsible for the future?” – asked Piero Bassetti at the closing of Design ... The Self At Your Wrist – 3/3

Fabio Besti

The Self At Your Wrist – 2/3

(…continues from the previous entry). TECHNOLOGY VS HUMANS: SELF-IDENTITY AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS IN A ‘QUANTIFIED’ FUTURE. Certainly, technology should aim at increasing human abilities. Same as the first tools in the prehistory helped man physical capacity, the new technologies of today offer the opportunity of increasing our physical and mental capabilities. All of this seems obvious ... The Self At Your Wrist – 2/3

Fabio Besti

The Self At Your Wrist – 1/3

WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES, SELF-PERCEPTION AND IDENTITY AT THE THRESHOLD OF A NEW QUANTIFIED EXISTENCE. Here the work on the illustration. “We have one more thing to cover…” Screaming voices and enthusiast applauses are filling Flint Center for the Performing Arts auditorium in Cupertino, California. “I’m so excited and so proud to share with you this morning ... The Self At Your Wrist – 1/3

Fabio Besti