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Tribuna ibrida

( 9 Novembre 2003 )

Tribuna ibrida

We are now all embarked...

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We are now all embarked... in the same collective experiments mixing humans and non - humans together -- and no one is in charge.

Costruita in relazione al Call for Comments avviato in preparazione alla Lecture che Bruno Latour terrą il 17 novembre a Milano, questa immagine vede natura, scoperte scientifiche, tecnologie e uomo partecipare ad una scelta di direzione comune.

"The sharp difference that seemed so important between those who represented things and those who represented people has simply vanished. What counts is that all those spokesperson are in the same room, engaged in the same collective experiment, talking at once about imbroglios of people and things. It does not mean that everything is political, but that a new politics certainly has to be devised.Hence the expression I have chosen for this new politic : how to assemble the Parliament of Things. Rules of method have become now rules, not to manage the Human Park, but to elaborate together the protocol of those collective experiments."

(da "What rules of method for the new socio-scientific experiments?" saggio di Bruno Latour)

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