Libri di Christopher Laszlo

Aggiornamento: Settembre 2000

In Italiano


In Inglese

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1. The Insight Edge, by Ervin Laszlo, Christopher Laszlo. Hardcover (




0750672307.01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg (4583 byte)2. Large-Scale Organizational Change: An Executive's Guide, by Christopher Laszlo, Jean-Francois Laugel. Paperback (November 1999) (

About the book

• Ten action principles that provide business managers with a guide to large scale organizational change

• Based on the authors' extensive experience as executives of Fortune 500 companies and consultants to global leaders in the fields of strategy and organizational change

• Deeply grounded in the new sciences of complexity, chaos and evolution

(from [Sep 24, 2000]